Monday, March 1, 2010

Morning Sickness Remedies to Help You Better Enjoy Your Pregnancy

Are you experiencing morning sickness? Most expecting mothers go through morning sickness in varying degrees, from causing some discomfort to being downright troublesome. The good news is that it will usually pass after the first trimester and will not affect or threaten your baby. Until it passes, here are some morning sickness remedies and tips you can do:

• Avoid triggers. Although triggers vary from person to person, there are some triggers that pregnant women should generally look out for like flickering lights and flashing images. Pregnant women also become more prone to motion sickness especially with abrupt altitude changes such as in plane rides, travelling up or down mountain roads, and even elevator rides. Warm and stuffy places can also trigger nausea.

• Eat five or six small meals, rather than three large meals per day. Both full and empty stomach can trigger morning sickness. High-carbohydrates and low fat are the best foods tolerated by pregnant women, but some studies show that high- protein foods are more likely to ease the symptoms. Eat some crackers and rest for a few minutes before getting up in the morning.

• Eat bland foods. Rich and spicy food can irritate your digestive system. Bland, cold or room temperature food also have milder aroma.

• Stay hydrated. Ease morning sickness by drinking cold drinks. Carbonated drinks and teas can also help calm your nausea but you have to check the label and try to avoid caffeinated drinks. Try also ginger ale; this is also proven to be a very helpful alternative.

• Drink some lemonade. Lemons and anything citrus can help calm your stomach. Have a lemon drop, an orange juice, or grapefruit. See what works for you. You may also want to keep some lemon scented wipes on hand to breathe through when some smell is bothering you.

• Talk to your doctor. Your iron supplements and/or prenatal vitamin may be causing your morning sickness. But do not alter your supplement intake without first consulting your doctor. Vitamin B6 can also help. However be careful on daily dosages above 250mg because this may cause harmful effects in your body. If your morning sickness is causing severe dehydration, your doctor may also prescribe some medication.

Take it easy. Nausea can get worse if you’re tired and stressed. Your sense of smell and taste will be back to normal before you know it. In the meantime, try out these morning sickness remedies to help you better enjoy your pregnancy.