Sunday, February 7, 2010

Morning Sickness Remedies and FAQs

Morning sickness remedies are one of the most sought after solution by women during their pregnancy. But what really is morning sickness?
It is a feeling of nausea and vomiting most pregnant women feel during the first few months of their pregnancy. 
What causes it?
The sudden increase in hormones is believed to be the most likely cause.
I feel nauseated throughout the day. Is it normal?
Although it is often referred to as “morning sickness,” the feeling of nausea and vomiting can be experienced throughout the day or even in the evening.  But most women feel it during the morning hence the name “morning sickness.”
Until when will I feel this way?
Morning sickness can be a big challenge for expecting moms especially during the first trimester of your pregnancy.  But don’t worry, most women will be able to adjust during the second trimester and the feeling will be totally before the fifth month.  But you have to remember that each woman is different and there really is no timeframe as to when you’ll start to feel better.
If morning sickness is normal, then it should not affect my baby, right?
Morning sickness is a very common occurrence among pregnant women.  It should not affect you or your baby.  However, if you are beginning to dramatically reduce your weight (more than two pounds in one month) and you are losing a lot of fluids, then it is high time for you to see your doctor.
Where can I find natural morning sickness remedies?
The good news is that you can actually find relief from morning sickness in your own home!  There really is no immediate miracle cure for morning sickness but you can try the following to relieve yourself from the inconvenience:
  • Instead of eating three big meals a day, eat small amounts throughout the day. 
  • Avoid fried, fatty, greasy, spicy, creamy meals 
  • Eat more salad greens with vinaigrette dressing 
  • Bland meals may not taste good but it will help you feel better (crackers, jellies, chicken broth, pretzels) 
  • Avoid strong perfumes and colognes
The best person to ask for advice is still your doctor.  If you feel that your morning sickness is really unbearable, consult your doctor for proper treatment and relief.
To find out effective solution visit morning sickness remedies.

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